
Other Common Statutory Declarations

1. New appointees to public service
2. New tender submission
3. Successful tender bidding
4. Renovation application to local governments
5. Letter of indemnity
6. Rights of guardianship
7. Disclosure of family financial standing
8. Disclosure of personal marital status

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Immigration Department Malaysia

We provide the service of administer oaths for the taking and receiving of statutory declarations form of Immigration Department Malaysia included:
1. Visa extension by a foreign spouse married to a Malaysian citizen
2. a Muslim foreign maid
3. a PR who has lost his/her Entry Permit to apply for a Malaysian passport
4. a person who surrenders his Entry Permit and plans to leave Malaysia, that is renouncing his PR status
5. denouncing the PR status of a person who plan to return to his country of origin and also surrendering his NRIC

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National Registration Department (JPN Malaysia)

We provide the service of administer oaths for the taking and receiving of statutory declarations form of National Registration Department (JPN Malaysia) included:
1. The correction of facts in the Registration of Birth and Death certificates.
2. Consent of the biological parent(s) to give away a child for adoption.
3. Child adoption.
4. late registration of births
5. non- Muslim marriages notice to be displayed at NRD
6. re-registration of births and its annexed statutory declaration
7. solemnise a marriage at a place/location other than the office of the Registrar of Marriages
8. remarriages
9. change or an addition of a name of a person
10. On single status of a person or of an unmarried person
11. Registration of marriages with foreign nationals
12. unmarried persons who practise cohabitation and produce illegitimate child
13. non-Muslim divorced persons who plan to remarry foreign nationals
14. adopting parents to amend an adopted child’s name

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Receive Acknowledgements

– of a married woman in all cases where acknowledgements are required by law to be taken before a public officer.
– of recognizances of bail and bail bonds.

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Conducting Oath For

– Justification for bail
– Taking affidavit or affirmation
– Swearing executors and administrators
– Swearing persons in any court action

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