A Commissioner for Oaths shall personally attend to any person requiring his services, verifies the identity of the person making the declaration/document and a Commissioner for Oaths makes sure that the person understands the content of the declaration/document. (Rule 11(2))

  1. verify the identity, the personal particulars as given in the identity card or passport or any other official identification documents, and the address of the person making     the declaration, affirmation, affidavit, oath or statement before the Commissioner for Oaths;
  2. read over and explain the contents of the documents and the exhibits attached to the documents, if the deponent or maker of the document is blind, illiterate or does not understand the language written in the document, before the Commissioner for Oaths certify that he has done so in the jurat;
  3. initial, affix small seal and ensure the deponent initial any alteration made in the document to be sworned or affirmed;
  4. not affix his seal to any document unless the deponent or maker of the document signs or affixes his thumbprint on the document before him;
  5. refuse his service when the Commissioner for Oaths has credible cause to suspect that any person before him is engaged in deception, fraud, duress, or any other illegal conduct;
  6. carry out the functions of his office in a prompt, reasonable, efficient and with integrity; and
  7. make himself available to conduct all functions of his office at regular and reasonable time.