Looking for Commissioner for Oaths in Malaysia?

We affirm and verify documents and statements that will be used as legal proof.

Call Us Now!

Our Services:

We offer Commissioner of Oaths services at reasonable prices. Such services include:

  1. Administer oaths for the taking and receiving of Statutory Declarations “SD” for the documentation purposes of all government authorities & private companies, including the followings:
    • National Registration Department (JPN Malaysia)
    • Immigration Department Malaysia
    • JPJ (Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan)
    • And others
  2. Conducting oath for Court related matters
    • Taking affidavit or affirmation
    • Application for bail
    • Swearing executors and administrators
    • And others
  3. Certify true copies of original documents

As Easy As:

  • Step 1

    Make An Appointment

  • Step 2

    Bring the Necessary Documents

  • Step 3

    Sumpah & Stamping

Our Clients Testimonials

What our customers are saying about us

Convenient, no appointment needed as it’s fast and well organised. Even a few other customers are waiting, but my waiting time is so reasonable. Totally out of my expectation. Super like!!

Fees are reasonable, patiently answered my questions and explained in details. Very good service, will recommend to others.

Highly recommended! Simple, Fast & Convenient.